Jasa Pembuatan Skripsi

Jasa Pembuatan Skripsi
Jasa Pembuatan Skripsi

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Jasa Buat Skripsi: download Skripsi al-Ahwal al-Syakhshiyyah:Tradisi perkawinan keraton Kacirebonan di Kota Cirebon, Jawa Barat


Talking about wedding ceremony, generally, the procession of wedding is celebrated in every places. But to celebrate the wedding ceremony in places is different. The wedding procession is influened by the tradition include in each procession. In this case the Kacirebonan palace at Cirebon West Java also do this procession as the ancentons inheritau. Every procession in wedding ceremony has different meaning. It comes from the around of society, because most at Cirebon society are Javanese and Sundanese.
Based on explanation above, this research formulate the problems as follows, how is the process of wedding procession at Kacirebonan palace in Cirebon West java. What is the meaning at each wedding procession in Kacirebonan Palace in Cirebon West java.
This research is the femenologis research with culitative method. Technique of data collecting, the writer uses two methods, they are interview and documentation. While analyze the data, the writer use qualitative descriptive. It is called qualitative descriptive because this research qathered the data which have found with the literature and other data.
The result at this research show that the wedding tradition in Kacirebonan Palace. Because the Cirebon society regulary containts of Javanese and Sundanise. On the other hand, each of wedding prosecession has the special meaning.

The conclusion of this research abaut wedding wedding tradition on Kacirebonan palace are, anggement, siraman, parasan pengantin, wedding contract, and the Panggih ceremony with stepping on eggs, receive, pug-pugan and eat rice the sekul adep-adep. The meaning of each those procession are, siraman has meaning for furify herself, parasan show love, stepping on eggs as the symbol united of two souls, and pug-pugan as the symbol of live together in a harmony, the last is eating rice sekul adep-adep with bird side dish in order to success in keeping the family.

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