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Jasa Pembuatan Skripsi

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Jasa Buat Skripsi: download Skripsi Psikologi:Regulasi emosi dan happiness pada siswa kelas X program reguler dan akselerasi SMA Negeri 3 Malang.


Sekolah memang membentuk pribadi anak secara akademis untuk bersaing meraih prestasi yang tinggi disekolah dan mereka berkumpul dengan teman yang memiliki kemampuan akademis yang sama. Jadi bagaimana cara siswa disini mempertahankan prestasi di sekolah. Dari kondisi yang demikian timbullah masalah yang berdampak pada siswa. Hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini meliputi : (1) ada perbedaan regulasi emosi siswa kelas X program reguler dan akselerasi SMA Negeri 3 Malang (2) ada perbedaan happiness siswa kelas X program reguler dan akselerasi SMA Negeri 3 Malang, dan (3) ada hubungan antara regulasi emosi dan happiness siswa kelas X program reguler dan akselerasi SMA Negeri 3 Malang
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 292 siswa. sampel penelitian sebanyak 32 siswa program reguler dan 18 siswa program akselerasi. Melalui teknik cluster random sampling. Pengumpulan data dengan skala psikologi yang terdiri dari : (1) skala regulasi emosi dengan koefisien Reliabilitas sebesar 0,7641 dan Validitas Item antara 0,334 sampai dengan 0,660 (2) skala happiness dengan koefisien Reliabilitas sebesar 0,8380 dan Validitas Item antara 0,207 sampai dengan 0,705. Serta distribusi normal sampel penelitian menggunakan teknik Kolmogorov- Smirnov, tingkat regulasi emosi dengan nilai p = 0,909 > 0,05 dan tingkat happiness dengan nilai p = 0,933 >0,05
Uji hipotesis pertama menggunakan uji Independent Sample t-test menunjukkan nilai p = 0,008 (p < 0,05) artinya bahwa ada perbedaan antara Regulasi Emosi siswa kelas X program reguler dan akselerasi SMA Negeri 3 Malang. Uji hipotesis kedua menggunakan uji Independent Sample t- test nilai p = 0,024 (p <0,05) artinya bahwa ada perbedaan antara Happiness siswa kelas X program reguler dan akselerasi SMA Negeri 3 Malang. Uji hipotesis ketiga menggunakan teknik korelasi product moment sebesar ��� = 0,360. Yang berarti ada hubungan korelasi positif antara regulasi emosi dan happiness. Dan nilai signifikansi 0,010 (p< 0,05) menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara regulasi emosi dan happiness.
A private school student are forming to achieving an academic high score in school and also they get together with friends who have similar academic abilities. So how does student maintain their achievements at school. Such condition arises problems that impact on students. The hypothesis proposed in this study include: (1) there are differences in emotion regulation of class X and a regular program SMAN 3 Malang acceleration (2) there are differences in class X happiness regular program and SMAN 3 Malang acceleration, and (3) there is a relationship between emotion regulation and class X happiness regular program and accelerate SMA Negeri 3
This Research use quantitative metods. Population as many 292 students. Sample of this study are 32 students from regular program and 18 students from accelerated program. Through random Cluster Sampling Technique. Data collection with scale consist of: (1) emotion regulation scale with reliability coefficient of 0,7641 and Item Validity between 0,334 to 0,660 (2) happiness scale with reliability coefficient of 0,8380 and Item Validity between 0,207 to 0,705. As well as the normal distribution of the sample using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov technique, the level of emotion regulation with a p-value = 0, 909 > 0,05 and the level of happiness with a p-value = 0,933 > 0,05.
The first hypothesis anlyze using Independent Sample t-test and showed the value of p = 0,008 (p < 0,05) means that there is a difference between emotion regulation class X and a regular program SMAN 3 Malang acceleration. The second hypothesis test using the test Independent Sample t-test and showed p-value = 0,024 (p < 0,05) means that there is a difference between class X Happiness regular program and SMAN 3 Malang acceleration. The third hypothesis testing using the product moment correlation technique for �� � = 0,360. Which means there is a positive correlation between the regulation of emotion and happiness. Significance and value of 0,010 (p < 0,05) showed a significant relationship between the regulation of emotion and happiness.
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