Dalam mengembangkan produk, perbankan tidak dapat hanya dengan menggunakan sumberdaya yang dimilikinya saja tetapi juga dengan memanfaatkan sumberdaya yang ada diluar perusahaan yaitu menjalin kerjasama dengan asuransi yang di sebut dengan bancassurance. Selain itu bank juga harus memperhatikan strategi marketing yang dilakukan karena penentuan strategi merupakan aspek penting dalam kegiatan pemasaran.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan strategi Marketing Mix dan dampaknya terhadap BSM Malang dengan menggunakan penelitian jenis kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif melalui wawancara terhadap manajer pemasaran, CS dan nasabah BSM seputar strategi marketing mix.
Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa penerapan strategi marketing mix pada BSM KC Letjen Sutoyo Malang terdiri dari: 1) strategi produk (menciptakan merek, kemasan, target pasar), 2) strategi harga (bagi hasil yang menarik), 3) strategi tempat (pada segmen khusus), 4) strategi promosi (mengadakan talk show di radio, Iklan di koran, brosur, Ikut pameran-pameran atau open table, sosialisasi di kampus, menghubungi nasabah sewaktu-waktu untuk menjaga silaturrahmi), 5) strategi orang (pelayanan dan selling skill karyawan), 6) strategi buktifisik (bentuk pelayanan), 7) strategi proses (system dan prosedur yang cepat).
In increasing the product,the bank company uses not only the resources inside but also uses the resources outside the company, that is : making a good relationship or cooperation with an assurance which is called Bancassurance. Besides, the bank company has to pay more attention to marketing strategy which has been done effectively, because the way to choose the strategy is the important thing in marketing activity.
The research aims at knowing how to implement the Marketing Mix Strategy and the Effects through Mandiri Syari’ah Bank in Malang by using a qualitative research and descriptive aprroach. The collecting data of the research is the interview to the marketing manager, customer service, and the customers of Mandiri Syari’ah Bank Company.Theys were interviewed about the Marketing Mix Strategy which is implemented in Mandiri Syari’ah Bank Company in Malang.
The research findings of the study shows that the Implementation of Marketing Mix Strategy at Mandiri Syari’ah Bank Company, one of the Branch Office in Letjen Sutoyo Street Malang consists of: 1) Product Strategy ( creating the trade mark, the package, the marketing target), 2) Price Strategy (dividing the profit interestingly),3) Placing Strategy (Placing in special segment), 4) Promoting Strategy (holding a talk show, advertisement in newspaper, brochure, exposition/ open-table, socialization at campus, making a call to the customers accidently to keep a good relationship), 5) Human Strategy( service and selling skill of the officer), 6) Phisycal Evidence( the form of Strategy), 7) Processing Strategy (the fast system and procedure).
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